Thursday, April 11, 2013


When my super talented friend * Lynn Wong, sent me this cool link about printing with contact paper, I immediately looked up this great video I had found a couple of months ago via this blog and decided I was going to try it once and for all. Thanks, Lynn!

So, today I grabbed the ready made screen I had bought over at Popular Bookstore, cut up (more) buildings on a piece of contact paper and stuck it on. I used Pebeo Setacolor Opaque Fabric Paint and an old ATM card for a squeegee. Since I was feeling a bit ambitious, I did a two tone print.

The contact paper was tightly rolled up when I got it, so keeping it flat was a huge task in itself. But I finally managed and printed away. 


I'm happy. 

Unfortunately the contact paper did not adhere long enough to the screen. And some parts printed all splotchy. Plus, if I keep using Pebeo fabric paint it will break the bank eventually but...

I am happy :)

* The Super-Talented Lynn Wong is one half of the dynamic duo behind We Make These. Check out their cuter than cute handmade crafts :) 


  1. awww thanks for linking us! and i'm glad it worked out awesome for you and the prints :) yey!

