Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I am running out of space for my books. If I had my way there would be stacks on the floor as well. The other side of the room is no better. It probably wouldn't be such a problem had I not wanted all my stuff in one tiny room. As you can see from the overexposed picture I also have my collection of toys, arts and craft stuff here. This is simply because I need a place I can close the door on to the outside world. Plus, since I do all the cleaning, I like the rest of the house to be sparse enough for easy vacuuming, dusting, wiping, sweeping, mopping. Mess control if you will, although with a toddler on the loose that's a bit of wishful thinking :)

One of the few shelves dedicated to film with most of the books courtesy of my supercool brother who has also run out of space for his books. 

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